Make Your Mark Labs Founder

Hi, I'm Michelle

I started my creative side hustle in 2013 after graduating college.  I enjoyed my job as an x-ray tech but needed a creative outlet.  After years of working hard to climb the corporate ladder at my previous company and receiving minimal reward and after pouring years of hard work in for empty and broken promises I decided it was time to pour my efforts into my handmade business instead of my 9-5.

I kept my 9-5 job as it works for our family to have a steady paycheck throughout the year and offered benefits, but my side hustle was my passion.  Once I started dedicating my extra energy into my small business I started to reap the rewards.  I have sold at markets since 2013 and have each year since.  I love trying new ideas each year and sharing what's working and what's not.  

With this knowledge I have acquired over the years I have launched Make Your Mark Labs to help guide others to find the secret sauce to selling their handcrafted goods at markets.

Brand Mission

Make Your Mark Labs empowers creatives to embrace their bold, authentic selves and stand out in a crowded marketplace.  I provide insights, tools, and coaching to help makers confidently showcase their work, connect with their ideal customers, and transform their side hustles into thriving creative businesses.  My programs teach entrepreneurs how to craft compelling brands, design eye-catching booths, and achieve success at markets and beyond—all while staying true to their unique vision and creativity.

Why Markets?


Many people ask why I put so much time and effort into selling my handmade goods at markets.


You need a path to sell your handmade goods and selling them in person at markets is the path of least resistance.  You can skip all of the tech that comes with e-commerce and not worry about the ever changing social media algorithms.